Auto Summary: Find Important Facts Faster

There are many responsibilities and pressing deadlines in litigation, not just preparing deposition summaries. The lack of time is often a serious problem, making attorneys compromise quality by not spending enough time on everything.

Parrot’s AI software, Auto Summaries, makes digesting transcripts easier and faster, allowing attorneys to reallocate their time to other important work, having a positive overall effect on the case outcomes.

In what ways can Auto Summaries help lawyers improve their practice?

  1. Find relevant information in your transcripts faster.

    Instead of time-consumingly reading through the whole transcript, scroll through its summary in the sidebar to find the relevant deposition part. Click on the summary card to view the original transcript text.

  2. Never start from scratch when creating a deposition summary.

    Reviewing deposition transcripts page-by-page can be tedious and time-consuming. Utilize Auto Summaries as your initial draft - as you read through the transcript, edit the linked summary directly in the app.

  3. Easily recall memories when revisiting old transcripts.

    Is the trial getting closer, but the deposition took place months ago? No worries! Quickly review the Parrot's Auto Summary to easily recall all the details.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (213) 632-5374.

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