How can I upload a recording?

Here are the steps for uploading a recording for either Rough Draft or Transcript requests:

1. Log-in to your account at

2. Under 'New' click 'Upload recording'

3. In the 'Upload recording' modal, select the case this recording should go into, if it's a new case, click on 'New Case' and add the following information: 

  • Plaintiff
  • Defendant 
  • Case Number 
  • State 
  • County 
  • Owners 

Note: The 'Who can access' field allows you to assign one or more attorneys/ support staff in your organization to a case. The Owners of the case will be able to access the uploaded recording

5. Upload the file in the Recording section:

Note: Parrot supports the following file formats: mp3, wav, wma, aac, m4a, mp4, avi, vob, mpeg, wmv, asf, DSS, ds2

6. Then fill out the following details about the recording: 

  • Recording Type - Select from the dropdown of the types of recording. 
  • Date of Recording - Date the recording was taken.
  • Speaker - Add the name of the speakers so that we can accurately label each person talking.
  • Transcript - Select 'rough draft' or the turnaround time for a certified transcript order.
  • Notes - Additional notes that you want to input for the recording.

8. The status of the recording will change to 'rough draft' or 'Certified Transcript' once the transcript has been completed.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (213) 632-5374. 

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